Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sara Dunbar

Hey, my names Sara Dunbar. I’m a freshman at Sacred Heart Academy in Hempstead. I enjoy school very much! During my free time I love to be with my family and friends. I love relaxing at the beach and catching up on the juicy gossip in all my celebrity magazines. Going out on my boat and wakeboarding with my friends keeps me occupied during the summer. I kayak with my mom and take out my Jet Ski in the Great South Bay. I love being outside but when it’s not so nice out I enjoy watching a good movie! Global Studies and Biology interest me the most. I have an older brother James, 17, and a younger sister Emi, she’s 11. I live with both my parents and love them so much. They give me the chance to have all these wonderful experiences. I love to travel and have gone on many trips during my lifetime. I’m extremely excited to go to Europe and look forward to spending time and learning different cultures with everyone.