Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Theresa Casazza

Info- I have a 17 year old brother and a 3 year old black lab named Sandy

School- I am a freshmen at South Side High School, My favorite subjects are english,global and my painting and drawing elective.

Favorites Food- anything Itallian
Music- alternative and pop
Authors- Ally Carter, Jen Calonita, James Patterson
Color- Purple
Tv shows- NCIS, White Collar, Castle

Hobbies- reading, playing competitive sports such as soccer and lacrosse, hanging out with friends and watching movies

Travel- Most of the places I have visited have a tropical climate such as the Bahamas, Florida, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and my all time favorite, Bermuda. Every time i go back to Bermuda I love it even more, the pink sand, turquoise waters, bright colored houses and the palm trees swaying in the light breeze. You never tire of the feeling you get when you arive, that you truly are in paradise